Iza Kopp-Pietrzak
I’m really pleased to see you here, on my website. It means that yet another person has decided to take a step in life towards the wholeness. This is what I help people to achieve with passion and joy
I’ve learned from the best coaches and therapists from Poland and from abroad I’ve always searched for knowledge from the source. This is how I found myself at three and a half year school of Family Constellations at the Taunus Institute of Gerhard Walper, training with David Neenan, Ewa Foley, Joy Mane, Polish Academy of NLP with Paweł Jan Mróz in Warsaw, and several other places
But what I have to give are, first and foremost, my life experiences, dozens of trips around the world from the very first years of my life, working with “high profile” clients while running a garden design studio and working at sales department and public opinion research center in the largest companies in Poland.
I am mother of five children
Five amazing people who are my azimuth and who teach me how to understand myself and how to live, sometimes more than anything else.
What I can offer you is a place I found for myself on Earth and in my heart. My professional, personal and financial experiences that I have behind. What I’ve gone through as a human being, a woman and a mother.
Only in 2015 I worked with more than 1200 people, individually and in groups, dealing with the full spectrum of cases My work was connected with health-related issues, relations with people, matters related to professional life and children.
I help people who want to move on, start over, develop their company or revitalize it. I can help them only because I went through the same phases in my life.

How do I work?

System Coaching and Hellinger’s settings
The methods I use are systemic coaching and Hellinger’s settings. I combine Bert Hellinger’s methods and working with the subconscious because it gives me a full spectrum of options.
Due to the fact that I danced, jogged and rode a horse for many years, and I’m still physically active, in my job I pay particular attention to emotions, body and energy. Sometimes you have to move the body to release emotions and sometimes you have to let go of emotions to unlock something in the body.
I look at the whole person and I can see where to start to exploit the full potential and resources of a given person on the path to completion.
effective thematic
countries regularly
dollars invested
in training
I’m training
For over 18 years I have been on the way of constantly reaching myself deeper, knowing, and exceeding the next restrictions. Personal development is my everyday life, but still when I feel that some technique fascinates me and allows to work more fully with the other, I go into it. That is why I constantly invest in myself, in training, seminars, workshops.
When working with people doing nothing for themselves, it starts to retreat. I am giving myself first. To have what to give to others… And in my close and professional fields.









See how I can help you
Every step and thought is a beginning. It is You who decides the direction.
Hellinger’s settings for business
Increasingly, the method of settings works by introducing internal order in organizations. Small and larger companies, and even in corporations.
When a company goes through a financial, personal or ideological crisis. When a so-called dead point arrives or phenomena occur over which supervisors do not cope, the introduction of order and changes due to settings is often the only effective way to act, after many other attempts.

Think about your organization…
Stands at some threshold, finances stopped flowing or leaking, employees are vacating, investments do not generate income?
Many company owners have already moved … or regained strength to create their dream organization… next… again… afresh…
Gardens of success
…it is a new company I’ve been running since 2014. I treat it as another baby of mine, I cherish and develop it, according to my heart’s directions.
Mission of Gardens of Success is assist other people in awakening their potential to develop fully. Sometimes these beginnings are like planting a seed, and sometimes like revitalizing the whole beautiful garden with many plantings. The gardens represent all those people who come to me, with their stories and their Fate.
I deeply believe that each garden is different and can be remarkable in its ordinariness and full of beauty.
I run regular workshops in Poland and abroad. Their schedule can be found under Workshops. These are Hellingerowskich settings workshops, development workshops and techniques for improving relationships with one another, but they always combine coaching and techniques.
Therefore, in my workshop, you will work on your subconscious, breath, programs that you follow and you will take home the knowledge that you can use in your everyday life.
Workshop photo gallery
Watch… Feel… Come… Change your life and its quality…
Achieve success… and enjoy it…



























My videos
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